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Investor Information Night

By Nicole McGarvie

Are you aware of the new legislation changes coming into effect for residential investment properties?

The Investor Information seminar will provide investors with valuable information about residential property management including forthcoming legislation changes and the impact this will have on the way in which residential investment properties are managed in the future.

We also have a panel of local representatives from Insurance House, Lockwood Partners, Provide Finance, Herron Todd White and O’Brien Plumbing.

Q & A session with the panel followed by light refreshments and a chance to follow up any queries.

If you are an investor who manages their residential investment portfolio privately or through another agent, or if you are looking to purchase a residential investment, we highly advise this information night should not be missed!

In which states will the legislation changes take effect?

Victoria and New South Wales.

When will these legislation changes start taking effect?

For New South Wales, some legislation changes have already taken effect.

In Victoria, all legislation changes will be in effect by July 2020.

Tuesday 26th March 2019

Start 6pm

Mecure Port of Echuca

To RSVP, click on the link below and register.

Can’t make the event? You can watch via a FREE webinar. Click on the link above at the specified date and time of the event.

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